Returns Policy

We want you to feel 100% confident in using our services. That is why we offer a 5-day returns policy. Here’s how it works:

If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any valid reason, simply call our customer services department (07438249888) as soon as you have received your goods and explain that you wish to return the product. You may also contact us by email at

No refund will be accepted if the product(s) has been opened, used or damaged.

A refund will not be issued without proper authorisation from one of our customer service representatives. no returns will be accepted after 5 days.

Please note: You are liable for the return fees.

Refund upon return: Refunds can only be processed once the goods are delivered safely back at our warehouse. As soon as your goods have been delivered to us, you will be refunded within 24 hours.

Please allow 3-5 working days for the refund to settle within your bank account before contacting us.

NO EXCHANGE IS ACCEPTED! We are not offering free exchanges to any customers. If you wish to exchange to another item / items, your order will need to be refunded or have a voucher code and then place a new order.