While HA body fillers are safe and effective, choosing a brand carefully is key when achieving the best and safest possible results

DermaSecret Volume is CE mark approved and developed by Vida laboratory -Italy. The plant is certified UNI EN ISO 13485 to produce medical devices and UNI EN ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for cosmetics. DermaSecret fillers are submitted to frequent tests and inspections to guarantee its high quality and safety.

DermaSecret Volume is made of concentrated Monophasic hyaluronic acid gel (easier to mold and shape, and simpler to administrate) and it is extremely homogenous (requires lesser quantities of cross-linking chemical agent BDDE).

DermaSecret filler stands out for its excellent viscoelasticity and three dimensionality. These essential properties are indispensable for high profile medical-aesthetic practice

Superior control of the aesthetic result during the procedure.

A perceptible soft and natural outcome.

A gradual resorption of the correction.

Concentration: 20Mg/ml cross-linked HA.
Degree of cross-linkage: 12%
Molecular weight: 1-1.5 Mda
G (Elastic modulus): 20 Pa
G’ (Viscous modulus): 10 Pa



